Joyce Wilson-Sanford has more than 25 years of professional experience in progressive and bold global organizational development work at the C-suite level. She is retired after her most recent role as Executive Vice President of Strategic Organizational Development with the Delhaize Group, now Ahold. In that position, Wilson-Sanford designed succession planning, created a high potential global program, and instituted a global leadership college. She was integral to acquisition work, as well as cultural due diligence and synergy work. Wilson-Sanford executed self-managed leadership development groups, introduced OD principles, values, and methods across nine companies, as well as developed over 25 CEOs.
Joyce has two books in draft, “OD Maven” and “CEO Note to Self: The Blind Spots of Power.”
Find out more using the links above to visit her website and social media.
Joyce Wilson-Sanford has hosted 185 Episodes.
Episode 103: Being a Good Boss
February 27th, 2023 | 14 mins 7 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, management principles, od, organizational development
In this episode, Joyce shares a white paper, “Principles of Management” that she authored some thirty years ago. How have the things a good boss does stood the test of time?
Episode 102: Performance Reviews That Excite
February 16th, 2023 | 20 mins 8 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, performance reviews that excite
Some organizations are getting performance conversations right. In Episode 102, Bob’nJoyce explore a company where the performance review process is shifting culture and excites both bosses and employees.
Episode 101: Thriving in Chaos and Uncertainty
February 10th, 2023 | 21 mins 49 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, thrive in chaos
Does the world seem to be unraveling in a way that makes you feel adrift and powerless? If you can relate to this, we have the antidote.
Episode 100: Adiós, I’m Out of Here!
February 2nd, 2023 | 21 mins 21 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, what to do when losing talent
What do you do when a talented long-term employee tells you they are leaving the company to join a competitor?
Episode 99: Diversity Interventions That Work
January 25th, 2023 | 16 mins 3 secs
business, csuite, diversity interventions, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share diversity interventions that worked during their time with Hannaford and Food Lion.
Episode 98: A Conversation with Pete Durand, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO, Cruxible Partners
January 20th, 2023 | 57 mins 37 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, pete durand
In this episode, we have our first guest of 2023, Pete Durand, share his thoughts on finding (and keeping) talent, maintaining a positive culture and workplace.
Episode 97: Getting Clear and Setting Intentions (PART 2)
January 13th, 2023 | 10 mins 56 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, new year resolution part 2, od, organizational development
In this episode, we continue to set our intentions about what we commit to doing this year.
Episode 96: Getting Clear and Setting Intentions
January 6th, 2023 | 14 mins 44 secs
2023 intentions, business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
Happy New Year! In this episode, we set intentions on what we want Bob’nJoyce Podcast to be in 2023.
Episode 95: Rethinking Rituals to Meet the Moment
December 29th, 2022 | 23 mins 7 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, rethinking rituals
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss why rituals must evolve to meet the changing needs of families and organizations.
Episode 94: Rethinking HR/OD Conventional Wisdom
December 21st, 2022 | 21 mins 24 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, think again
In this episode, Bob'n’Joyce explore the need to rethink HR/OD rules, practices, and processes in a post pandemic world.
Episode 93: Developing Supervisory Judgment
December 7th, 2022 | 16 mins 41 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, supervisory skills
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share a process on how to accelerate learning for front line supervisors.
Episode 92: I Pray Anyway, Devotions for the Ambivalent
November 28th, 2022 | 16 mins 5 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, i pray anyway, leadership, od, organizational development
With Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, Bob’nJoyce thought a break from HR/OD would be good and instead talked about her inspirational book, I Pray Anyway - Devotions for the Ambivalent
Episode 91: Rethinking CEO Succession
November 16th, 2022 | 27 mins 3 secs
business, ceo selection criteria, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore ideas on career pathing for future CEOs.
Episode 90: Quiet Quitting - Why We Disagree
November 10th, 2022 | 24 mins 47 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, quiet quitting
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore the term “Quiet Quitting” and why they believe it’s meaning misses the mark.
Episode 89: Promoting an Entrepreneurial Spirit
November 3rd, 2022 | 18 mins 2 secs
business, csuite, entreprenurial spirit, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore the conditions that promote an entrepreneurial culture in large organizations.
Episode 88: The Death of Performance Appraisals – Part 2
October 26th, 2022 | 28 mins 53 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, performance conversations
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce offer an alternative to dated traditional performance appraisal practices.