Joyce Wilson-Sanford has more than 25 years of professional experience in progressive and bold global organizational development work at the C-suite level. She is retired after her most recent role as Executive Vice President of Strategic Organizational Development with the Delhaize Group, now Ahold. In that position, Wilson-Sanford designed succession planning, created a high potential global program, and instituted a global leadership college. She was integral to acquisition work, as well as cultural due diligence and synergy work. Wilson-Sanford executed self-managed leadership development groups, introduced OD principles, values, and methods across nine companies, as well as developed over 25 CEOs.
Joyce has two books in draft, “OD Maven” and “CEO Note to Self: The Blind Spots of Power.”
Find out more using the links above to visit her website and social media.
Joyce Wilson-Sanford has hosted 182 Episodes.
Episode 4: Power Shift - Embracing small 'd' democracy
January 26th, 2021 | 27 mins 52 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, search conference, small d democracy
With the recent shift in power in our nation’s capital, this episode suggests a path forward to neutralize the polarized politics that defines our times.
Episode 3: HR OD Approaches to Dealing With Trauma
January 12th, 2021 | 29 mins 40 secs
bill bridges, business, chaos, community, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, polarity continuum, tool, trauma
Trauma is shockingly fast change done to you, not with you.
Episode 2: Remembering Katherine Maxim Greenleaf – An HR/OD Leader Who Inspired
December 31st, 2020 | 21 mins 35 secs
business, csuite, executive, hannaford, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, we remember our friend and former boss, Kathy Greenleaf. It was not our intention to have our first episode be a tribute to Kathy but it is because we promised we’d keep it real. Kathy died unexpectedly on December 3rd and her passing weighed heavily on us as we met to record this podcast.
Episode 1: Hooked on OD
November 24th, 2020 | 14 mins 59 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, love od, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share why they love OD.
Episode 00: Who are Bob 'n Joyce?
November 10th, 2020 | 21 mins 40 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
An introduction to Bob and Joyce of the Bob 'n Joyce Podcast.
Episode 0: Welcome to the Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD Podcast!
November 9th, 2020 | 1 min 45 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
Welcome to the Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD Podcast.
Meet us, find our why we are doing this podcast, and what our hope is for you, our listeners.
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