Joyce Wilson-Sanford has more than 25 years of professional experience in progressive and bold global organizational development work at the C-suite level. She is retired after her most recent role as Executive Vice President of Strategic Organizational Development with the Delhaize Group, now Ahold. In that position, Wilson-Sanford designed succession planning, created a high potential global program, and instituted a global leadership college. She was integral to acquisition work, as well as cultural due diligence and synergy work. Wilson-Sanford executed self-managed leadership development groups, introduced OD principles, values, and methods across nine companies, as well as developed over 25 CEOs.
Joyce has two books in draft, “OD Maven” and “CEO Note to Self: The Blind Spots of Power.”
Find out more using the links above to visit her website and social media.
Joyce Wilson-Sanford has hosted 175 Episodes.
Episode 61: Lead Like You Own It - Lessons from Entrepreneurs
March 24th, 2022 | 26 mins 3 secs
business, csuite, entrepreneurial leadership, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce look at leadership through the lens of an entrepreneur.
Episode 60: Fully Human Leadership – A Deeper Dive
March 17th, 2022 | 26 mins 41 secs
business, csuite, executive, fully human leadership model part 2, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In today’s episode, Bob’nJoyce dive deeper into the new leadership model introduced in Episode 59.
Episode 59: Fully Human Leadership – A New Model for Leading
March 7th, 2022 | 25 mins 33 secs
business, csuite, executive, fully human leadership, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In today’s episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss a new leadership model created by Joyce based on a lifetime of observation about what distinguishes great leadership.
Episode 58: Informed Consultant – OD Sherpa
February 25th, 2022 | 24 mins 12 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, informed consultant, leadership, od, organizational development
In today’s episode, Bob’NJoyce explore ODN’s 5th and final OD core competency, Informed Consultant.
Episode 57: We Doth Protest Too Much – Being a Credible Strategist
February 15th, 2022 | 25 mins 49 secs
business, credible strategist, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore ODN’s 4th OD Competency – Credible Strategist.
Episode 56: OD Obi-Wan Kenobi
February 8th, 2022 | 30 mins 5 secs
business, business advisor, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this Episode, Bob’nJoyce explore ODN’s 3rd OD Competency – Business Advisor.
Episode 55: Efficient Designer. What the Heck is This?
February 3rd, 2022 | 14 mins 43 secs
business, csuite, efficient designer, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
Today we explore ODN’s second OD competency, efficient designer.
Episode 54: How OD Makes Organizations Work Better – System Change Expert
January 27th, 2022 | 31 mins 19 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, systems change expert
Today, we continue to explore “OD’s job description” as defined by ODN, a network of OD scholars and practitioners committed to creating effective, healthy organizations. In this episode, we focus on the first, and arguably most important competency - System Design Expert.
Episode 53: Going Behind the OD Curtain – How We Do What We Do
January 21st, 2022 | 29 mins 49 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, odn framework overview, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce demystify the work of OD using the competency framework created by ODN (Organization Development Network).
Episode 52: Being Fully Human Goes Mainstream
January 11th, 2022 | 23 mins 14 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leaders being fully human, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss the shift towards humanizing organizations and leadership.
Episode 51: The New Normal: Living with Covid
January 4th, 2022 | 22 mins 43 secs
business, covid, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce get up close and personal with Covid as one of them tested positive.
Episode 50: Uncertainty’s Best Antidote - Shining the Light
December 28th, 2021 | 26 mins 23 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, shine the light, uncertainty
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore the importance of bringing “light” into the tunnel when all seems bleak and uncertain.
Episode 49: Confronting Conflict – An Emerging HR/OD Competency
December 21st, 2021 | 28 mins 36 secs
business, conflict, csuite, disagreement, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, we share practical tips on how individuals and groups can effectively navigate difficult conversation.
Episode 48: Creating a New Normal - What Stays and What Goes?
December 16th, 2021 | 25 mins 2 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, what goes?, what stays
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce muse over the new order that is emerging from the chaos of Covid.
Episode 47: Riding a Bike is Easy, Sustaining Change Is Not
December 7th, 2021 | 23 mins 25 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, sustaining change
It turns out we weren’t finished unraveling why sustaining change is so difficult when we go through training.
Episode 46: Caution Ahead – Navigating the Perils of Adult Learning
December 2nd, 2021 | 24 mins 46 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, learning, od, organizational development, training
Why does training too often miss the mark? This is the central question we take on in today’s podcast.