About the show
The Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD podcast, hosted by Bob Stapleton and Joyce Wilson-Sanford, is for Human Resources and Organizational Development change-makers committed to bold work in an era that calls for the skills, values and partnership of these two disciplines. Bob and Joyce are former HR and OD C-suite executives who share their successes, failures, and hacks. They believe that it's an exciting time for this work and give specifics around acquisitions, policy nightmares, and grand moments. This podcast is to support your work and to take a moment to step away from the daily chaos. Come on in, grab a snack, and welcome!
Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD on social media
Episode 139: What Workers Want From Their Leader
January 8th, 2024 | 25 mins 12 secs
business, csuite, executive, hannaford, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, what workers want
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce, explore leadership expectations through the lenses of their people.
Episode 138: What Are You Willing to be Measured on in 2024?
January 3rd, 2024 | 18 mins 12 secs
business, csuite, executive, executive accountability, hannaford, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In the spirit of the new year, Bob’nJoyce share a process that creates rigorous accountability for top leaders.
Episode 137: Let 'er Rip! Let’s Celebrate Every Holiday Tradition
December 18th, 2023 | 19 mins 14 secs
business, csuite, executive, hannaford, hr, human resources, leadership, let er rip!, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce challenge the tendency to walk on eggshells when celebrating holiday traditions in the workplace.
Episode 136: What’s Your Cranberry Ice?
December 11th, 2023 | 19 mins 11 secs
business, cranberry ice, csuite, executive, hannaford, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce make the case for rituals in a world in flux and disarray.
Episode 135: The Power of Here and Now Revisited
November 27th, 2023 | 9 mins 30 secs
business, executive, hannaford, here and now take 2, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, suite
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce revisit last week’s conversation on the power and perils of being fully present.
Episode 134: The Power of Here and Now
November 20th, 2023 | 23 mins 19 secs
being in the here and now, business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce riff on the importance of immersing oneself in the present – the here and now.
Episode 133: Women at Work – Then and Now
November 13th, 2023 | 23 mins 13 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, women in the workplace
In this episode, Bob’Joyce discuss the recurring theme of issues women confront at work.
Episode 132: Designing Work That Works
November 3rd, 2023 | 15 mins 30 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, work design is messy
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce unravel the merits and drawbacks of a hybrid workplace.
Episode 131: When Being Fair Doesn't Work
October 24th, 2023 | 26 mins 13 secs
business, choosing wisely, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss the challenge of good decision making.
Episode 130: Cross Cultural Clash Food Fight
October 17th, 2023 | 20 mins 41 secs
business, cross cultural learning, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce, explore the learning moments when cross company cultures clash.
Episode 129: Unplugged and Wide Open
October 11th, 2023 | 24 mins 17 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, spagetti session
In this week’s episode, Bob’nJoyce riff on a number to topics that enhance individual and organizational success. They follow their energy and irritations and offer advice on making the workplace safer and more high performing.
Episode 128: Why Do We Do Bob'nJoyce?
October 2nd, 2023 | 10 mins 38 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, our why
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce talk candidly about their work and why it matters so much to them.
Episode 127: Maximizing Your Most Important Asset - Your People
September 25th, 2023 | 23 mins 30 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, mckinsey research on engagement, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore the latest McKinsey work where they categorize employees based on work performance and engagement.
Episode 126: Cultivating a Learning Organization - Part 2
September 19th, 2023 | 22 mins 7 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, learning organization, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce continue their exploration about what it takes to become a learning organization.
Episode 125: Cultivating a Learning Organization
September 5th, 2023 | 18 mins 50 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, learning culture, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce explore what it takes to become a learning organization.
Episode 124: The Super Power of Solitude
August 30th, 2023 | 18 mins 35 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, solitude and leadership
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce discuss the merits of solitude - being alone with one’s thoughts.