Episode Archive
185 episodes of Bob 'n Joyce Talk HR 'n OD since the first episode, which aired on November 9th, 2020.
Episode 23: Guided Imagery – A Powerful Alignment/Visioning Tool
June 15th, 2021 | 26 mins 21 secs
business, csuite, executive, guided imagery, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob 'n Joyce share how the use of guided imagery helped kick off a profound culture shift in the Hannaford Supermarkets of New England.
Episode 22: Confronting Burnout as HR/OD Professionals
June 8th, 2021 | 19 mins 31 secs
burnout, business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
Bob’N Joyce discuss the pervasive issue of employee and organizational burnout.
Episode 21: Seeing Through the Bramble of Internal OD Work
June 1st, 2021 | 25 mins 36 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, odn global od model, organizational development
OD practitioners wear a lot of hats. In this episode, Bob’nJoyce sort through these many hats using the Global OD Model developed by ODN.
Episode 20: Our Turn - Common HR/OD Flaws and Why They Matter
May 25th, 2021 | 17 mins 29 secs
business, common hr od flaws, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
Turnabout is fair play. In this episode, Bob’n Joyce discuss common OD/HR leadership flaws and their unintended consequences.
Episode 19: CEO Flaws and Why They Matter
May 18th, 2021 | 24 mins 5 secs
business, ceo flaws, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
CEOs are human and, as a result, imperfect. They all possess flaws that if left unattended, diminish both their impact as well as that of the team reporting to them. In this episode, Bob’n Joyce discuss common flaws they have observed and their unintended consequences.
Episode 18: Culture – An Invisible Power
May 11th, 2021 | 36 mins 30 secs
business, csuite, culture, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
A company needs a culture that supports the business and energizes its employees. Today's episode delves into the power of culture.
Episode 17: Honor Thy Managers
May 3rd, 2021 | 42 mins 49 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, middle managers, od, organizational development
In this episode, Bob’nJoyce focus on line supervisors, and middle managers who are critical to getting the important work done.
Episode 16: 10 Criteria for a CEO/OD Partnership to do Bold Work Together
April 28th, 2021 | 28 mins 13 secs
business, ceo, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this episode, Joyce shares the criteria that she and the CEOs she's worked with agreed to that enabled them to do bold work.
Episode 15: Managing the Discomfort of Transition
April 20th, 2021 | 27 mins 53 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, william bridges
In this episode, we dig into the challenge of keeping an organization moving forward in times of turbulent transition.
Episode 14: Meeting Magic and Gaffes
April 13th, 2021 | 26 mins 55 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, meeting gaffes, meeting magic, od, organizational development
In Episode 14, we lean into the discomfort of learning from meeting facilitation gone awry. The magic is to act, in the moment, to get back on track.
Episode 13: Following Your Energy – It Never Disappoints
April 6th, 2021 | 21 mins 45 secs
business, csuite, executive, follow your energy, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In Episode 13, we continue our conversation on 2021 leadership being reimagined. Joyce’s article on the “C’s” of leadership created a context for a new model of modern leadership. Today, we followed our energy to focus on feminine characteristics of leaders, many of which are included in the “C’s.”
Episode 12: 2021 Leadership Reimagined
March 30th, 2021 | 28 mins 47 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, the big "c's"
Old patterns and norms of leadership just don’t work anymore. In this Episode, Bob ‘n Joyce share the Big “C’s” of Leading – a framework for reimagining 2021 leadership.
Episode 11: The Performance Management Dilemma
March 23rd, 2021 | 32 mins 29 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, professional development
In Episode 11, Bob’nJoyce take on the topic of best practices in performance management and professional development.
Episode 10: Hacks and Hiccups - Part 2
March 18th, 2021 | 23 mins 45 secs
business, csuite, executive, hacks, hiccups, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this Podcast, Bob and Joyce continue to share funny, quirky, and true events that didn't work too well (we needed 2 episodes because we have so many). This episode reminds us that learning often comes from painful, cringing moments.
Episode 9: Hacks and Hiccups
March 2nd, 2021 | 32 mins 35 secs
business, csuite, executive, hacks, hiccups, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development
In this Podcast, Bob and Joyce share funny, quirky, and true events that didn’t work so well.
Episode 8: In the Quagmire
February 23rd, 2021 | 38 mins 8 secs
business, csuite, executive, hr, human resources, leadership, od, organizational development, quagmire
In today’s episode, we explore the many quagmires that we find ourselves in as HR/OD professionals. Easier said than done when we are in the quagmire too.