Episode 164

Getting from Checked Out to All In


August 27th, 2024

19 mins 29 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this episode, Bob’nJoyce address the challenge of moving from personal or organizational lethargy to vitality. Good leaders can sense the pulse of an organization and find ways to move the needle on the cultural vibe. So the question becomes how do you engage employees in order to make the shift?

Here are a couple of areas we mused on:

Responding to, ‘Well, it is what it is.’
Combating the malaise of boredom at work.
The importance of leaning into the discomfort through dialogue (versus measuring it through stay surveys).
The power of putting a name on what’s happening.

Joyce and Bob get feisty and gritty about what they believe is an oft ignored but important aspect of a healthy organization.

Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!