Episode 160

Essential OD Values


July 18th, 2024

24 mins 20 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

In this episode, Bob’nJoyce share a list of OD values created by a team Joyce worked with several years ago. The list resonated with them but what matters more is if they ring true to you. These values are not exclusive to OD practitioners and apply to all of us who lead and we all lead at something.

You probably won’t find these values on the ODN website or in an academic leadership article. This list is borne out of hard work, determination, and yes, screwing up. Our hope is after listening, you take a moment to reflect on the values important to doing your best work.

Here are a few of ours:

Embrace humor.
Don’t take yourself too seriously and know when you are up on your high horse.
Reside on the boundary.
Know when you are kissing ass and betraying your work.
Shrug when you screw up.

Come on in. Grab a snack. Welcome!